Thursday, September 29, 2011

C4K Summary Post, September Comments

Ngaina at Pt England School
My first C4K for September was Ngaina's blog from Pt England School. The post I commented on was about Multiple Intelligences. Her class had been studying Multiple Intelligences and she posted her results from a quiz she had taken. I google'd and found an online version of the quiz and took it so I could share my results with Ngaina. My top three results were naturalistic, logical, and intrapersonal. Ngaina also got the result of naturalistic as well, so I told her we seemed to have that in common and asked her what the most interesting thing she had learned about Multiple Intelligences. She has not commented back.

Mubasshira posted a lovely poem called "Favourites of All." Some of her favorites listed in the poem were laying in her comfortable bed, the color blue, roses, and her sister. I commented and told her that I also loved to lay in my comfortable bed. I told her my favorite thing to do on a rainy day was snuggle up in my bed with a good book, and I asked if she liked to read. She has not responded.

St. Elmo Elementary Class
For this post, the class posted a video about how they were different yet the same. The class had some really great adjectives to describe themselves. They all had some great self-portraits as well.

My final C4K for September was Santiago's blog. His class had all made their own Avatars using this site. I commented on Santiago's avatar and told him that his instructions on how to make your own were very helpful. I told him I went to the website he suggested and created my own character, which was a lot of fun. I also commented on his "About Me" section of his blog, telling him I have a friend who also likes to skateboard, and that my husband really enjoys playing video games like him. I said that I have tried to play video games with my husband, but that I wasn't very good and was going to keep practicing to get better because practice makes perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Great summary and comments for the kids. You provided them with some good responses.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

C4K Summary Post, September Comments

Ngaina at Pt England School
My first C4K for September was Ngaina's blog from Pt England School. The post I commented on was about Multiple Intelligences. Her class had been studying Multiple Intelligences and she posted her results from a quiz she had taken. I google'd and found an online version of the quiz and took it so I could share my results with Ngaina. My top three results were naturalistic, logical, and intrapersonal. Ngaina also got the result of naturalistic as well, so I told her we seemed to have that in common and asked her what the most interesting thing she had learned about Multiple Intelligences. She has not commented back.

Mubasshira posted a lovely poem called "Favourites of All." Some of her favorites listed in the poem were laying in her comfortable bed, the color blue, roses, and her sister. I commented and told her that I also loved to lay in my comfortable bed. I told her my favorite thing to do on a rainy day was snuggle up in my bed with a good book, and I asked if she liked to read. She has not responded.

St. Elmo Elementary Class
For this post, the class posted a video about how they were different yet the same. The class had some really great adjectives to describe themselves. They all had some great self-portraits as well.

My final C4K for September was Santiago's blog. His class had all made their own Avatars using this site. I commented on Santiago's avatar and told him that his instructions on how to make your own were very helpful. I told him I went to the website he suggested and created my own character, which was a lot of fun. I also commented on his "About Me" section of his blog, telling him I have a friend who also likes to skateboard, and that my husband really enjoys playing video games like him. I said that I have tried to play video games with my husband, but that I wasn't very good and was going to keep practicing to get better because practice makes perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Great summary and comments for the kids. You provided them with some good responses.
