Sunday, November 13, 2011

C4K November Summary Post

Kids around the world!

Spencer at The Age of Exploration Blog
My first November C4K was on Spencer's blog. He was analyzing the role of bias on things that we read. He presented a very effective argument on how bias affects the interpretation specifically on the Reformation. He read two very different articles each with a skeptic's eye, pointing out the discrepancies and slippery slopes in each. I told Spencer he did a great job with his analysis and that his critical thinking skills will help him not only in college, but he will also have a "one up" when he gets into the career field he chooses.

Mrs. Yollis' Class Blog 365 Project Post 286
Mrs. Yollis' class is currently working on a project where they post 1 picture every day for 1 year. Today's photo was of a hawk perched in a tree outside their classroom. They started their day by seeing the hawk fly by, and they tried their best as a class to identify it but never could get a great look at the tail. My comment told them that I enjoyed their post and that they had an interesting start to the day. I also told them that I grew up on a State Park and so I enjoyed trying to identify birds as well. I asked the class if they knew that female hawks were almost always larger than male hawks.

Shalom had a really fun post this week! He and his class in Room 13 got to make "alien snot!" He said that he was really not looking forward to the activity and that he thought it would be extremely disgusting. It ended up not being as bad as he thought and he actually had a good time. He gave the recipe for alien snot in his post. I told him that his instructions were very easy to understand and that since it wasn't as disgusting as he thought I might have to give it a try.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

C4K November Summary Post

Kids around the world!

Spencer at The Age of Exploration Blog
My first November C4K was on Spencer's blog. He was analyzing the role of bias on things that we read. He presented a very effective argument on how bias affects the interpretation specifically on the Reformation. He read two very different articles each with a skeptic's eye, pointing out the discrepancies and slippery slopes in each. I told Spencer he did a great job with his analysis and that his critical thinking skills will help him not only in college, but he will also have a "one up" when he gets into the career field he chooses.

Mrs. Yollis' Class Blog 365 Project Post 286
Mrs. Yollis' class is currently working on a project where they post 1 picture every day for 1 year. Today's photo was of a hawk perched in a tree outside their classroom. They started their day by seeing the hawk fly by, and they tried their best as a class to identify it but never could get a great look at the tail. My comment told them that I enjoyed their post and that they had an interesting start to the day. I also told them that I grew up on a State Park and so I enjoyed trying to identify birds as well. I asked the class if they knew that female hawks were almost always larger than male hawks.

Shalom had a really fun post this week! He and his class in Room 13 got to make "alien snot!" He said that he was really not looking forward to the activity and that he thought it would be extremely disgusting. It ended up not being as bad as he thought and he actually had a good time. He gave the recipe for alien snot in his post. I told him that his instructions were very easy to understand and that since it wasn't as disgusting as he thought I might have to give it a try.

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